

Learning from scratch

Start from almost nothing, but better than won’t to start. The most of my work here is what I proudly present which completed in short time of development and how fast I can learn those new things.

08th December 2019 is first day I did start learning python programming language and simple data analytic, and also registered “Artificial Intelligence” as elective subject as well too. This mean what you are about to saw is product from person who have experience in field of data science about a year.

There is one of my work in this list has been done within least than 38 hours as the work that completed in the shortest time of development and also start from almost nothing of related knowledge but managed to learn it quick and learn from start.

Hackathon to Conference

Medical text classification

41th Percentile on a Hackathon Placement
Conference Proceeding Paper


Certificates: Medical text classification - Hackathon & Conference


Senior Project

Matchmaking-based Restaurant Recommendation System
on Hybrid Mobile Application

Project Due Date:
October 2020

This short video was created by: Project's UX Engineer


RAWR: the Matchmaking-based Restaurant Recommendation System on Hybrid Mobile Application

It's restaurant recommendation application with concept of matchmaking. Sound interesting right? No one doing this before...

Main Keyword of Recommendation Algorithm: Matrix Factorization

We run development in Agile Methodology

Project Overview Part A (25%): Presentation Slide (Include Team Member Introduction)
Project Overview Part B (75%): Presentation Slide
Project Overview Part C (100%): Publication

Small-Scale Projects

Learning by doing. These small to medium-scale project have done for learning by start self-coding and support with source from across online-course and classroom

Search for Restaurant by Explaination

Explain or discribe about restaurant that user want to dine out.

Keyword: NLP, Latent Factor Collaborative Filtering

Date: 7 July 2020

Quick View Document (.ipynb)

Reviewer's Feedback Satisfaction Predictor

Predict probability of reviewer's statisfaction of each review.

Keywords: Natural Language Processing, Sentiment Analysis

Date: 29 June 2020

Quick View Document (Kaggle)

Blind date's Concept Diner Recommendation

Recommend diner in Las Vegas with concept of blind date.

Keywords: Matrix Factorization, Collaborative Filtering

Date: 20 February 2020

Quick View Document

Quick View: Search for Restaurant by Explaination

Sometime user perfer dining experience more than taste
So developer try to suggest the user by searching into review database

Inspriration: Yelp - Restaurant Search and Recommendation Service

Dataset: Yelp Dataset (Open data)

User just input text of restaurant description into variable then restaurant will be recommend


Quick View: Reviewer's Feedback Satisfaction Predictor

Entrepreneur want to improve their business
Feedback is a key, developer want to assist by predict them all

Dataset: Amazon Musical Instruments Reviews (Kaggle Dataset)

User just input review text into variable then satisfaction will appear


Quick View: Blind date's Concept Diner Recommendation

Like online dating, User perfer to eat but cannot make a decision
So developer try to suggest the user by doing blind date concept

Inspriration: Tinder - Online Dating Application

Dataset: Yelp Dataset (Open data)

1. User start to program.

2. User begin choose their meal as user perfer.

3. Program will ask some more until it make sure what user want (about 10 meal).

4. Program will recommend restaurant that matched with user requirement.

Conference Certificate
Teaching to Other

Knowledge is wonderful asset,
Everytime you exchanged,
You always receieve new while never lose yours.

I proudly teach to other the knowledge I learned
Gladly welcomed new knowledge as well

Here's copy of my slide handout:

Certificates and Awards

From proof of events participation to awards since first enroll in college (some was missing)





You can learn more about me and my work in full CV

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